Simplicity Series: Week 1: CLARIFY!

 In Live Naturally, Uncategorized

[This is the first week of a 6-Week Simplicity Series to Clarify, Clear, Cleanse, Create, Connect and Celebrate! Subscribe to Inbox inspirations here.]

“Clarity of mind means clarity of passion, too; this is why a great and clear mind loves ardently and sees distinctly what he loves.” Blaise Pascal (French Mathematician, Philosopher and Physicist, 1623-1662)

I have set sail towards Simplicity.

I am using this week to CLARIFY what matters to me, to simplify my focus on those things.

I happened to listen this week to this podcast with Katrina Kenison on Power of Moms.

She has spent well over a decade slowing down and savoring motherhood, writing three memoir-style books as her children grew from toddlers beyond teenagers about her inspiring process of conscious connection. My heart hurts when I think of the times when I was at work full time with my first and I was desperate to be with her. webhosting info . My heart hurts when I’m with her now and am really working in my mind, not fully present.

These two lines from Katrina Kenison hit me:

What kind of mother do I want to be? Present, thoughtful, and deliberate in the choices I am making.

We say we want to slow down, but actually slowing down

My simplification goals are my efforts to slow down and settle into what matters to me.

I want to get my family into a groove of health, well being, simplicity and connection. I look forward to checking in weekly around these goals as each week helps push me forward in one or more of these areas.

In an effort to build in accountability for the simplifying I am doing through the Simplicity Series in April, I am writing a post each weekend on my process. Each week I’ll be sharing my Action with you, so I (you) can hold myself accountable and also so you know you’re not alone in this!

Here goes: Clarity Action Steps for April

Home (Clear)

  • Need: Decrease stuff upstairs by clearing and cleaning spare room/office, hallway, clothing area. Donate, repurpose, recycle, sell or rid ourselves of what we are not using, what doesn’t work, what we don’t want or what we don’t need.
  • Want: Declutter and reorganize playroom for art, movement, sleep, reading, and music. (Want for partner: Attic.)
  • Hope: Artsy craftsy materials gathered, organized and accessible to me and/or to children as needed and desired. (Hope for partner: Garage)

Body (Cleanse)

  • Need: Alkalinize! Eat my greens, Omega-3, Vit D, magnesium, calcium, fermented probiotic foods and drinks. Salad every day. Smoothie every day.
  • Want: Juice 3 times a week. (Want for partner: Get outside 15 minutes a day. Family affair…)
  • Hope: Get in some movement once a week — stretching, yoga, Zumba video from my mom, whatever once a week

Head (Create)

  • Need: Rhythm with space for connection and space for my work. (Need for partner: Disconnect for one whole day each week. We are doing this as a family.)
  • Want: A ritual of candlelit connection and gratitude at night for my whole family.
  • Hope:  Reflect when I have big feelings on how my Inner Child is showing up in my present through self talk. Ask myself: What would I do if I were coming from a place of love?

Heart (Connect)

  • Need: Use NVC to express my feeling of appreciation for the efforts of my partner through at least one gratitude a day. (Tie into night time candle-lit gratitude anchor of rhythm.)
  • Want: A half day of fun to myself and/or with friends in April.
  • Hope: Distinguish between a mental distraction from my heart focus and an actual “need to do” in order to make things happen. Align to connecting by asking myself: With whom do I need to connect with right now?

If you are in this series, please share a piece or all of your list (or your process of clarifying)  in the comments here, on the A Living Family Facebook page or in a private email to me.

If you haven’t subscribed to the Inbox Inspiration for the Simplicity Series I invite you to do so now so that you can receive the resources, support and this week’s special bonus. Clarify what matters and focus on your life of Simplicity!

Showing 5 comments
  • Amy Glenn

    I love the multifaceted approach to clarifying that you describe Sheila. A true inspiration to read this today. Thank you. I clarified my mind today by going for a long morning walk with my son. Having him fall asleep on my breast in the Ergo as we stroll home. Meditating. Then taking care of emails. 🙂 Doing one thing at a time with a full heart. Yes. And when I strive to do more, let me slow down, put the email/computer away, and breathe with gratitude for the gift of this irreplaceable moment.

    • Sheila Pai

      So grateful for your sharing, Amy. That walk sounds like meditative bliss itself. Such joy to connect to our little ones. AND to get to tasks we want done. All with that “full heart” you mention.

      I love this:

      “And when I strive to do more, let me slow down, put the email/computer away, and breathe with gratitude for the gift of this irreplaceable moment.”

      Thank You for gifting me a glimpse into your journey towards simplicity! I have already gained wisdom and support.


  • Jill Garland

    Seeing the format for your goals has really helped me clarify many of mine. Thanks Sheila!

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