Making the Decision about Vaccines

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When it comes to vaccines, both sides claim “evidence” and “logic” is on their side  — Who should you trust?

“You should trust your intuition, your gut feeling, your own internal guidance system. Sit quietly and privately, see how you “feel” when you consider vaccination. What does it feel like when you look at your precious baby and know that injections are planned at the next doctor visit? What does it feel like to think about not vaccinating? If both feelings are neutral or confusing, you need more information. If both feelings are equally strong and negative, examine your fears. Do you understand the real risks of the disease you want to prevent? Do you know the real risk of the vaccine? When one feeling is definitely stronger than the other, that is your instinct talking.

We have abdicated our personal power to professionals, particularly doctors, even though the medical industry has failed us miserably in many ways. Parents, it’s time to take back your power. Trust what you feel when considering vaccination. Know that you are intelligent and capable of reading and then understanding the risks vs the benefits. The more you listen to that “voice within,” the louder it becomes. It is the best test of the vaccine information you hear.”

                                             written by a physician….


I understand that the vaccine decision is a _____ decision for many parents. (scary? difficult? confusing? provocative? overwhelming?….)

Sifting through information is difficult. There’s a lot of mudslinging around on the internet when anyone dares to raise the question in an effort to get some support. Compassionate, respectful dialogue around the issue in which parents and professionals share rather than judge remains elusive.

What is a parent to do who wants some support when making one of the most important parenting decisions they have to make?

It seems easy for others to insult parents for their choice, but no parent wants to make a decision that will harm their child, especially intentionally. The fact is that a parent can “do the research” and come to two different opinions; it all depends on questions asked and the research done. It can be difficult to weigh the risks of vaccines against the risks of disease, and gaining access to a range of information seems more challenging than it should be. Regardless, everyone wants to do the right thing.

Let me be clear: While I make my own personal decision for my children you get to make your own personal decision for yours–I am not trying to tell anyone what to do.

In the spirit of informed choice, however, I compiled a few links that may be helpful. One perspective of the issue (pro-vaccination on the recommended schedule) is pervasive…one might even say aggressive when you take into account the news, ads, and announcements of “Flu shots here” outside almost any major pharmacy or grocery store chain. The resources below are mostly to help parents find out more about other perspectives such as alternate schedule of vaccination or non-vaccination.

One question most people (are told to) ask is: Do the risks of doing or not doing _____ outweigh the benefits? But, what are the risks of disease, and what are the risks of vaccines? I bring you, in no particular order….

My Top 13 Links for Making a Decision about Vaccines

*UPDATE* (June 2013): In the past year, a book came out called Vaccine Epidemic, written by a team of physicians, scientists, and more. Here is a slideshow overview from that group.

1. Suzanne Humphries on Vaccines

Regardless of whether you vaccinate or not, understanding the structure and function the immune system in the human body, described by this nephrologist (kidney doctor), seems integral to making a decision about immunity to disease.

2. A recommended reading list (from Peaceful Parenting)

“These are the books parents have told us are the most helpful in their decision making process. They are some of the most research based and not extremist or ‘radical’ either for or against vaccinations. Collectively, they simply present a good base of the literature and facts surrounding natural immunization, vaccination, the vaccines we have as options today, and the diseases currently present in our world.”

3. The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC)

“The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is dedicated to the prevention of vaccine injuries and deaths through public education and to defending the informed consent ethic in medicine. As an independent clearinghouse for information on diseases and vaccines, NVIC does not advocate for or against the use of vaccines. We support the availability of all preventive health care options, including vaccines, and the right of consumers to make educated, voluntary health care choices.”

(This has information on your rights, what to do if you suspect adverse reactions or harm that other sites might not have.)

4. Vaccines: Get the Full Story: Doctors, Nurses and Scientists on Protecting Your Child and Yourself (from International Medical Council on Vaccination)

Comprehensive (but brief enough) overview of major decision making points with statistics, helpful links and a recommend resource list.

5. Ten Myths about Vaccination: Contradictions between Medical Science and Immunization Policy

Includes safety and efficacy of vaccines and danger/treatment of childhood diseases.

6. The Science, the Politics and the Dangers of Vaccines

Interview with Claire Dwoskin (National Vaccine Information Center) and Leslie Manookian (“The Greater Good” documentary filmmaker). Helpful info on some basic questions such as “Are vaccines safe and effective?”

7. Are Vaccines Safe and Effective? 

“[Catherine Diodati’s] recent book about vaccinations, Immunization: History, Ethics, Law and Health, is the most comprehensive book in its field to date. This book is meticulously researched and fully documented. She continues her research on immunization issues and is viewed by her peers as an expert on vaccine-related issues.”

8. Vaccine Information: 5 Points ALL Parents Should Review

“Of course I have my opinion on vaccinating, but every one of the resources above have nothing to do with opinion, and everything to do with fact.  Educate yourself, the government, the FDA, the CDC, and your doctors aren’t going to do it. I guarantee that.”

9. Vaccine Info (from Raising Kids Naturally

Brief statistics on five of the most common vaccines.

10. Do Doctors Have a Financial Incentive to Have Their Patients Fully Vaccinated? (from Dr. Sears)

“I get a lot of emails from people who wonder if doctors have any sort of financial incentive to get their patients vaccinated. Do we get any sort of bonus from the insurance companies that pay us? I’ve always thought that the answer to this question was no. I recently found out otherwise.”

11. Vaccination Liberation 

Mortality graphs on polio, measles, whooping cough and scarlet fever. Information on immunity and a lot more.

12. US Government’s Monthly VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) reports 

13. The Vaccine Machine (includes links to vaccine package inserts)  



“Built out of need: A recent study released by the Center of Disease Control showed that 75% of parents are concerned about the side effects of vaccination.  VacciShield is a nutritional supplement designed to address the specific needs and challenges of babies and kids during vaccination. VacciShield’s unique blend of non-dairy probiotics, vitamins, minerals and an amino acid is backed by current research that shows how the ingredients in VacciShield support healthy immune, brain, gastrointestinal and detoxification function during vaccination.  The two week dosing of VacciShield surrounding vaccinations is an easy way to support the health of your little one.*”

(Then there’s a button to click to read the research…)

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